Here is a follow-up post to our Delivery Optimization Internals – Researching the Logs post, with some download details on Win32 apps from Intune. I found it quite useful to tap into that data when verifying P2P efficiency and download times in Intune environments.
Below you find some PowerShell code that will extract download details from a given Win32 app from the various DO cmdlets.
Note #1: You can also get some of this data from the IntuneManagementExtension.log, but to get the full details on the DO job the cmdlets are your friends :)
Note #2: For a great example on further processing the DO Logs message details, check out the Get-DeliveryOptimizationDownloadHistory.ps1 script from Trevor Jones.
Note #3: BytesfromCacheServer are also counted in BytesfromHTTP when using Get-DeliveryOptimizationStatus, so be sure to take that into account in any calculations! Thanks to Guillaume Bedeau for reminding us of this :)
# Optional: Get App information from Intune (requires the Microsoft.Graph.Intune module to be installed)
#Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune
#Connect-MSGraph -ForceInteractive
#$AppSearch = "100 MB Single File" # Search is wildcard (contains)
#$App = Get-DeviceAppManagement_MobileApps -Filter "contains(displayName, '$AppSearch')"
#$AppName = $App.displayName
#$AppId = $
# Select what application to search for
$AppName = "P2P Test Application - 100 MB Single File"
$AppId = "956e00ed-3da5-4e87-aaa7-ec7a0f06ef41"
# Get download metrics from the Get-DeliveryOptimizationStatus cmdlet (filter for the selected app only)
$DOStatusOutPut = Get-DeliveryOptimizationStatus
$DOStatusData = $DOStatusOutPut | Where-Object { `
($_.FileId -match "intunewin-bin_$($AppId)_1") `
-and ($_.Status -in "Complete","Caching") `
-and ($_.PredefinedCallerApplication -eq "IntuneAppDownload") }
If ($DOStatusData){
Foreach ($Status in $DOStatusData){
Write-host "Writing some interesting metrics to the console"
Write-host "Application name: $($AppName)"
Write-host "Application size (FileSize): $($Status.FileSize)"
Write-host "Total bytes downloaded from DO status data: $($Status.TotalBytesDownloaded)"
Write-host "Download priority mode: $($Status.Priority)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from Internet (BytesFromHttp): $($Status.BytesFromHttp)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from peers (BytesFromPeers): $($Status.BytesFromPeers)"
Write-Host "Peering efficiency (PercentPeerCaching): $($Status.PercentPeerCaching)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from MCC (BytesFromCacheServer): $($Status.BytesFromCacheServer)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from LAN peers (BytesFromLanPeers): $($Status.BytesFromLanPeers)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from Group peers (BytesFromGroupPeers): $($Status.BytesFromGroupPeers)"
Write-Host "Downloaded bytes from Group peers (BytesFromInternetPeers): $($Status.BytesFromInternetPeers)"
Write-Host "Download duration (DownloadDuration): $("{0:dd}d:{0:hh}h:{0:mm}m:{0:ss}s" -f $($Status.DownloadDuration))"
Write-host ""
Write-Host "No DO status data found for application: $AppName. Continuing checking for log data"
# Get additional info from the Get-DeliveryOptimizationLog cmdlet (filter for the selected app only)
$DOLogsOutPut = Get-DeliveryOptimizationLog
$DOLogData = $DOLogsOutPut | Where-Object { `
($_.Function -Like "*::_InternalTraceDownloadCompleted") `
-and ($_.Message -match "intunewin-bin_$($AppId)_1") `
-and ($_.Message -match "caller: IntuneAppDownload")} # Not interested in the DOContentPolicy caller downloads
If ($DOLogData){
foreach ($LogEntry in $DOLogData){
Write-host "Writing some interesting metrics to the console"
Write-host "Application name: $($AppName)"
Write-host "Download time: $($LogEntry.TimeCreated)"
Write-host "Details (Message): $($LogEntry.Message)"
Write-host ""
Write-Host "No DO log data found for application: $AppName."
Here is a sample output:
Happy researching / Johan